UNESCO Jeju Full Day Tour Package(Hotel + Taxi/Van) 2Day 1Night Tour

Jeju Island Package Tour  2Day 1Nihgt /3Day 2Nihgt Hotel and Taxi/Van Tour. The excursion is perfect for visitors who are short on time or travelers.

(8 hour 30mins/day)


Lucas Travel ㅣ CEO Soon-Tae Ko ㅣ License number 680 75 00314 ㅣ Tourism business registration number  No.2022-19

115, Goma-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea ㅣ Tel +82 1036161950 ㅣ E-mail kodown111@naver.com

Account Kakao Bank 3333-25-0735390 Soon-Tae Ko(Lucas Travel)

Jeju Island Tour

copyrightⓒ 2022 Lucas Travel All rights reserved.

Lucas Travel

CEO Soon-Tae Ko ㅣ License number 680 75 00314

Tourism business registration number  No.2022-19

115, Goma-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea

Tel +82 1036161950

E-mail kodown111@naver.com

Account Kakao Bank 3333-25-0735390 

Soon-Tae Ko(Lucas Travel)

copyrightⓒ 2022 Lucas Travel All rights reserved.